4.使用者保證其所提供的所有資料,均為正確且即時的資料,且不得以第三人之名義註冊為會員;如使用者所提供的資料事後有變更,使用者應即時更新其資 料。如使用者未即時提供資料、未按指定方式提供資料、所提供之資料不正確或與事實不符、或未即時更新資料,Trainge得不經事先通知,隨時拒絕、或暫停對該使用者提供本服務之全部或一部。
(2)使用本服務而持有其他使用者個人資料之使用者(下稱「接受方」)同意將a.遵守所有與該個人資料相關之個人資料保護法規;b. 允許被接受方收集個人資料之使用者(下稱「揭露方」)得自接受方之資料庫移除他/她的資料;以及c. 允許揭露方檢視其被收集方收集之資料為何。在上述b.及c.之情形,遵守或依適用法規辦理。
4.使用者不得在交易過程中採取不正當競爭行為(例如假出價或惡意棄單)、不得妨害或干擾網站的正常運作(例如駭客行為),亦不得濫發廣告電子郵 件。
10.使用者應允許並同意,若依法律要求,或根據法院命令或對Trainge有管轄權之任何政府或監督主管機關之處分,或基於善意及誠信原則認有合理之必要性時,Trainge得存取、保存及揭露使用者的帳戶資訊和內容,以:(1) 遵守法律程序;(2) 執行本合約條款;(3) 回應任何侵害第三方權利的內容之申訴;(4) 回應使用者的客戶服務請求;或者 (5) 保護Trainge、其使用者及公眾的權利、財產或人身安全。
9.在甲方完成商品上架確認後,即不得任意以任何理由(包含但不限於貨量不足、生產不及等) 要求臨時下架,若因此造成Trainge損失或相關品牌信譽受損,Trainge有權依實際受損害之二倍金額向甲方求償。
11.為確保標的商品之品質,Trainge得要求合作廠商免費提供檢驗所需數量之標的商品,送交Trainge指定之檢測機構進行檢驗,如檢驗結果符合法令規定,則檢測費用由Trainge負擔,如檢測結果違反法令規定、或與商品標示不符、或與原廠或合作廠商保證之品質不符,則檢測費用由廠商負擔。合作廠商並同意,送交檢驗之商品如於檢驗過程中毀損, Trainge及檢測機構均毋需負任何責任。
1.Trainge發現、或接獲第三人之檢舉或通知,認為甲方之行為、或其提供本公司所刊載之相關場館、設備、器材、商品、課程、服務、物件或訊息,有違背法令或公序良俗、或侵害第三人之權益、或違反本合約條款或其相關規範或規則之虞者、或違反各該協力廠商為其服務所訂之約定條款、合約及服務說明之虞者,為維護Trainge及第三人之權益、或避免損害或爭議 擴大,Trainge有權不經事先通知,先行移除所涉及之物件或資料、或使之無法被存取,並得暫停該甲方所能使用之服務或功能之全部或一部,且得取消其會員資格、終止本合約;其涉及違反法令者,並得主動將甲方會員資料及相關交易資料或資訊,移送司法機關調查,或依法配合相關司法機關、行政機關之調查。
7.如果您發現本網站的任何使用者違反本合約條款,請聯絡 service@trainge.com ,請給予我們時間處理資料,Trainge將於可行範圍內盡速回覆您的通知。
(1)定期匯款 (每年12月25日執行匯款作業,如遇國定假期則往後順延至最近工作日)
1.Trainge履約保證是Trainge或其或其合作之金流服務商提供的一項購物保障服務。為提供責任風險之保障,藉由使用本服務而支付給甲方的購物款項將由Trainge或其或其合作之金流服務商保管 (下稱「Trainge履約保證帳戶」) 中。對於消費者支付到Trainge履約保證帳戶中的款項,甲方不會收取利息或其他收益。
2.消費者支付其訂單款項 (下稱「消費者購物金額」) 後,消費者購物金額將保留於Trainge履約保證帳戶中,直到:
(2)Trainge履約保證期間(或於依第 11.3 條展延之期間) 屆滿,於此種情形,除非有第五條2. (3)或第五條2.(4)之適用,Trainge或其合作之金流服務商會將保管於Trainge履約保證帳戶中的消費者購物金額支付給甲方;
(3)Trainge認定消費者取消服務及/或退款之申請應通過時,於此種情形,除非有第五條2 (4)條之情形,Trainge或其合作之金流服務商將根據退款政策提供退款予消費者;
5.甲方/消費者必須是帳戶的權益擁有人,並且只能代表他或她本人來進行本網站上交易。使用者應依Trainge建立的身分認證機制開設帳戶,包括但不限於提供電話號碼、地址、銀行帳戶、身分證字號、最新身分證件照片等個人資料及其他必要文件,以供查驗之用。甲方/消費者茲同意Trainge或其合作之金流服務商在便利甲方/消費者使用本網站之目的範圍內處理或提供其個人資料給第三人並授權Trainge使用其個人資料向適當主體 (如甲方/消費者的銀行) 進行本公司認為必要之甲方/消費者身分驗證程序。有關Trainge如何處理您個人資料的詳細資訊,請瀏覽我們的隱私權政策頁面。
第七條T Points回饋機制
1.使用者可以藉由其在本服務適用Trainge履約保證的購物行為或者參與其他Trainge不定期決定之活動(下稱「適用活動」)依Trainge所規定的兌換比例獲得紅利點數(下稱「T Points」)。除非Trainge另有規定,T Points將在Trainge確認使用者已完成適用活動後撥入使用者帳戶。使用者均得參與T Points回饋機制除非您的帳戶內已明示排除適用。
2.不在Trainge履約保證範圍內的交易行為或活動不適用T Points回饋機制。Trainge得單獨決定特定類型項目排除在T Points回饋機制外。
3.T Points不具有貨幣價值,亦不構成使用者之資產,且不得出售、轉讓予其他使用者或任何第三人。使用者不得要求將T Points折算成現金。
4.使用者可以將T Points依Trainge所規定當時適用之兌換標準、辦法及限額(Trainge保留隨時變更、修改、暫停或終止該標準、辦法及限額之權利)請求折抵本網站消費金額。
5.已折抵的T Points將從使用者帳戶裡的T Points累積餘額中扣除。T Points均訂有使用期限。請留意本網站使用者帳戶內所列T Points累積餘額及使用期限。
7.如果使用者對參加適用活動所獲得的T Points數額有疑義,應於適用活動起一個月內向Trainge提出,並依Trainge要求提出足以支持使用者的主張之證據資料。
8.Trainge不保證亦不承擔T Points可能產生的課稅或稅務處理責任,您應尋求您的稅務顧問關於T Points影響您稅務情形的意見。
9.Trainge保留以下權利:(1)隨時終止T Points回饋機制,及(2)取消、暫停或限制任何使用者適用T Points回饋機制之權利,包括但不限於累積或折抵T Points。
4.為了促銷甲方所刊登之課程,Trainge可能會在第三方網站 (如入口網站和比價網站) 及由Trainge經營的其他 (國內或國外) 網站上 (以調整後的價格) 張貼這些課程。
a.實體課程、線上視訊課程或場地租借之成交手續費之計算方式為:課程(場地)成交單價 × 數量 × 2% = 成交手續費(金額計算至元為止,元以下無條件進位)。
b.影片課程、虛擬教練課程之成交手續費之計算方式為:影片課程(虛擬教練課程)成交單價 × 數量 × 30% = 成交手續費(金額計算至元為止,元以下無條件進位)。
b.信用卡(含Apple Pay、Google Pay、銀角零卡分期與其他線上支付方式)交易手續費之計算方式為:消費者刷卡金額 × 3% = 信用卡交易手續費(金額計算至元為止,元以下無條件進位)。
a.稅金計算方式為:課程(場地)之未稅金額 × 5% = 稅金(金額計算至元為止,元以下四捨五入)。
第十二條 商業賄絡之禁止
**Disclaimer: In case of any discrepancies between the English and Traditional Chinese versions of this document, the Traditional Chinese version shall prevail.**
Welcome to the Trainge Fitness Service Platform. The Trainge Fitness Service Platform (hereinafter referred to as "Trainge") is established and operated by Trendonut Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"). Trainge offers an online platform service where coaches, venues, and partners (hereinafter referred to as Party A or the User) provide, sell, produce, import, represent, distribute various courses, products, venues, or services. By mutual agreement, the following Trainge Cooperation Agreement Terms (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement Terms") are set forth for compliance by both parties. Upon completing registration or starting to use the service, we consider that you have read, understood, and agreed to abide by all the content of these Agreement Terms:
Article 1: Key Terms
1. Trainge may revise the Agreement Terms at any time, including modifications to published or future terms of service, usage guidelines, methods, processing principles, policies, announcements, and related service descriptions. Users should continuously monitor Trainge’s announcements and the revisions to these Agreement Terms. Revisions become effective from the time of announcement unless otherwise specified. From the effective date, if users continue to use the service, it will be considered that they have read, understood, and agreed to all the revised Agreement Terms. If users do not agree to the revised content, they should immediately stop using the service. Trainge may terminate the contract without any obligation to compensate or indemnify the user.
2. Transactions not conducted through the Trainge platform’s online payment system are not subject to these Agreement Terms, and users cannot claim any rights from Trainge regarding such transactions. Trainge is not responsible for any breach, warranty, quality, refund, or damage compensation in such transactions. Users agree and guarantee that they will not raise any disputes related to such transactions, nor sue Trainge or its related entities for any claims.
3. Users guarantee they are legally competent individuals (not subject to guardianship or assistance, or meeting the full legal capacity definition as per the Civil Code of the Republic of China) or legally registered entities or groups. If the user has limited legal capacity, the legal guardian must read, understand, and agree to all the Agreement Terms and their revisions before starting or continuing to use the service. Once the user starts or continues to use the service, it is presumed that the legal guardian has read, understood, and agreed to all the Agreement Terms and their revisions.
4. Users guarantee that all the information they provide is correct and timely, and they must not register as a member under the name of a third party. If the user’s information changes afterward, the user must promptly update their information. If the user fails to provide information in a timely manner, does not provide information in the required manner, provides incorrect or inaccurate information, or does not promptly update their information, Trainge may, without prior notice, refuse or suspend all or part of the service to the user.
5. Users are responsible for properly safeguarding their account and password and must not provide or disclose them to third parties for safekeeping or use. Any actions taken after logging into the service system with a specific account and password are presumed to be the actions of the account holder. If users discover or suspect that their account or password has been misused or improperly used by third parties, they must immediately notify Trainge.
6. Trainge may limit the number of member accounts that a single individual or entity can apply for. Trainge reserves the right to approve or reject membership applications.
7. When necessary, Trainge may notify users of relevant information via any contact method provided by the user. If there are changes in the user's contact details, the user should promptly update their information through the website or other methods to maintain accuracy, timeliness, and completeness. If a message cannot be delivered due to incorrect, outdated, or other non-Trainge attributable reasons, it is still considered as duly delivered.
8. Users agree and guarantee that they will not file lawsuits or raise claims against Trainge or its related entities regarding any disputes related to transactions established on the platform or such transactions.
9. Trainge will make every effort to maintain the normal operation of the service system to ensure the smooth conduct of members' transactions, but the service is provided on an "as-is" basis. Trainge does not make any express or implied commitments or guarantees for the following:
(1) Meeting users’ specific needs;
(2) Continuous uninterrupted operation of the system and software;
(3) Immediate, accurate transmission, processing, storage, and backup of data;
(4) Immediate detection and correction of system, software, and data errors.
10. Trainge is not responsible for compensation for service suspension or interruption, transaction failure, data loss or damage, or any other direct or indirect damage caused by the following circumstances, unless due to Trainge’s willful misconduct or gross negligence:
(1) Routine system maintenance, relocation, replacement, upgrades, or repairs;
(2) Data loss or damage due to backup errors or failures;
(3) Actions by third parties, circumstances beyond Trainge’s full control, or non-Trainge attributable causes;
(4) Natural disasters or other force majeure events.
11. Privacy
(1) Trainge values your privacy. To better protect your rights, we have detailed our privacy practices in the privacy policy. Please review this privacy policy to understand how Trainge collects and uses your account and service-related information. By using the service or providing information on the website, you:
a. Agree to allow Trainge to collect, use, disclose, and/or process your content and personal data as described in the privacy policy;
b. Agree and understand that property rights over user information are jointly owned by you and Trainge; and
c. Without Trainge’s prior written consent, you may not directly or indirectly disclose your user information to third parties or allow any third party to access or use your user information.
(2) Users holding other users' personal data through this service (hereinafter referred to as the "Recipient") agree to: a. comply with all personal data protection laws related to such data; b. allow the user whose data was collected (hereinafter referred to as the "Discloser") to have their data removed from the Recipient’s database; and c. allow the Discloser to review the data collected by the Recipient. In such cases (b and c), compliance will be handled per applicable laws.
Article 2: Code of Conduct
1. Users must use their member account and password to log in when using Trainge's services and features and may not transfer or authorize others to use their account (including credit ratings).
2. If a user discovers other members violating laws or these Agreement Terms or related behavior guidelines, they can report them to Trainge.
3. When posting items for sale, users must guarantee that they have the rights or qualifications to sell the goods or services listed on the Trainge platform (including but not limited to trademark rights, patent rights, or copyrights of posted images, trademarks, and text content) and that the goods or services are legal. They must properly describe the transaction terms and related information and must not engage in exaggeration, falsehoods, or misleading actions. Once the transaction is completed, both parties must fulfill the agreement in good faith and complete the transaction.
4. Users may not engage in unfair competition during transactions (such as false bidding or malicious cancellations), disrupt normal website operations (such as hacking), or spam emails.
5. Users may not manipulate transactions, engage in false transactions, maliciously cancel orders, interfere with others' transactions, or attempt to commit fraud. All user actions and statements on the Trainge platform must comply with legal provisions and the agreed terms of service.
6. Users may not maliciously defame other users on the Trainge platform or engage in improper conduct to raise their credit rating or lower the credit rating of others.
7. Users may not post or publish any objects or information that violate laws, public order, morals, infringe upon third-party rights, or that Trainge deems inappropriate for the platform.
8. For the following types of information posted or published by users on the Trainge platform, Trainge may remove or restrict access without prior notice:
(1) Information intended to evade or help evade applicable fees;
(2) Information intended to inflate or manipulate credit ratings;
(3) Information that Trainge reasonably believes involves malicious, fraudulent, or false content;
(4) Information that Trainge reasonably believes is unrelated to the transaction or not intended for the transaction of goods;
(5) Information that Trainge reasonably believes involves malicious bidding or attempts to disrupt normal transaction order.
9. Users do not obtain any express or implied intellectual property rights of Trainge by becoming a member. Without Trainge's prior written consent, users may not use, reproduce, or distribute any works, materials, trademarks, or logos from the Trainge platform in any form.
10. Users agree and authorize Trainge to access, store, and disclose user account information and content in the following circumstances: (1) to comply with legal procedures; (2) to enforce the Agreement Terms; (3) to respond to complaints about content that infringes third-party rights; (4) to respond to user customer service requests; or (5) to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Trainge, its users, or the public.
11. Users may not transfer the rights and obligations arising from this Agreement to any third party without Trainge’s written consent.
Article 3: Product Guarantee
1. Party A guarantees that its courses, products, and services (including but not limited to course content, product formulations, packaging labels, place of origin labels, and all information provided to Trainge for advertisement and sale) comply with all laws and regulations of the Republic of China (Taiwan). The products must be of normal quality and have a reasonable shelf life (warranty), be free from defects, counterfeit, or illegal products, and must not infringe on the intellectual property rights, patents, or other rights of third parties. Trainge shall be able to advertise or sell such products on its website. Any trademark authorization, product inspection certificates, advertisement approval number, drug approval number, or government approval documents required by law for products advertised or sold by Trainge must be provided by Party A. If any violations of the aforementioned government regulations cause Trainge to be fined, investigated, or subjected to any legal actions, Party A shall be fully responsible for all related legal liabilities. Party A must pay all fines incurred without objection and shall also compensate Trainge with a penalty of NTD 100,000 per case. To avoid any legal issues, Trainge may notify Party A to rectify any violations immediately. If the violation is not rectified, Trainge may terminate the partnership and seek damages.
2. Party A guarantees that the specifications, photos, and descriptions of the contracted products match the actual products delivered to consumers, without exaggeration, falsehoods, or obvious discrepancies. The products must comply with the Consumer Protection Act, the Fair Trade Act, the Commodity Labeling Act, the Commodity Inspection Act, the Intellectual Property Rights Act, the Food Sanitation Management Act, the Personal Data Protection Act, and all other applicable government regulations. If there are any legal violations, Party A shall bear all legal liabilities, with no involvement of Trainge. Trainge may request Party A to provide samples of the actual products for inspection. The costs of the samples and shipping shall be borne by Party A.
3. Party A guarantees that it owns all intellectual property rights for the content and photos provided to the Trainge platform. If the content or photos provided by Party A infringe on the intellectual property rights of others, and such infringement is verified, Party A shall be responsible for all related legal disputes and penalties.
4. If Party A cannot provide the necessary product photos to Trainge or if the provided photos do not meet the product listing requirements, Party A is obligated to provide additional samples to Trainge for photography purposes. Upon completion of the photography, Trainge will own the intellectual property rights to the photos, and Party A may not use them for other purposes or authorize their use to third parties without Trainge's consent.
5. If consumers suffer physical or mental harm due to consuming or using the products, courses, equipment, or services provided by Party A (including harm to anyone the consumer provides the product or service to), Party A shall be responsible for resolving all related issues (including but not limited to all legal disputes and related penalties) and shall bear all liabilities and losses.
6. Product Shelf Life Agreement: Party A guarantees that the products have a clearly defined and accurate shelf life. When the products are shipped, at least half of the shelf life must remain. For products with a special shelf life, Party A must obtain prior approval from Trainge and clearly display the shelf life to consumers on the webpage before the products can be sold. For imported fresh food or goods, the shelf life and whether the product is near expiration must be confirmed by Trainge before listing. If the relevant information is not provided to Trainge before the product is listed, Party A shall bear all related legal disputes and penalties.
7. Proper Packaging and Shipment Inspection: Both parties recognize and understand that certain products have special safety and hygiene requirements. Party A must follow Trainge’s instructions and package the products appropriately based on shipping requirements. Party A shall conduct a thorough inspection before shipment to ensure product safety, hygiene, and quality. To ensure effective control of shipment quality, Trainge may designate specific couriers for the product delivery.
8. During the product listing period, if it is discovered that the products provided by Party A are suspected of violating relevant laws, Trainge may immediately remove the product from the platform without objection from Party A. All costs and liabilities (including but not limited to full refunds, compensation to consumers with store credits, legal disputes, and penalties) resulting from this shall be borne entirely by Party A. During the process of Trainge's follow-up actions, Party A is obligated to explain the relevant circumstances to Trainge and assign personnel to assist Trainge in handling subsequent matters and bear the costs of follow-up actions.
9. After confirming the product listing, Party A may not request to temporarily remove the product for any reason (including but not limited to insufficient stock, production delays, etc.). If this causes Trainge to suffer losses or damages its brand reputation, Trainge has the right to seek compensation from Party A for twice the actual damages incurred.
10. Trainge may, by itself or by assigning a third party, inspect Party A’s venues, factories, or storage locations to examine their facilities, operations, product manufacturing, packaging processes, and other matters related to the quality of venues, equipment, products, services, and courses. Party A agrees to cooperate and provide necessary assistance and explanations. If there is a need to verify or explain that the products comply with relevant regulations, Party A shall immediately provide the required certificates or documents.
11. To ensure product quality, Trainge may require the cooperating supplier to provide a sufficient quantity of sample products free of charge for inspection by a designated testing agency. If the inspection results comply with legal requirements, the testing fees will be borne by Trainge. However, if the inspection results violate the law, do not match the product labeling, or do not meet the quality guaranteed by the original manufacturer or supplier, the testing fees will be borne by the supplier. The cooperating supplier also agrees that if the product is damaged during the inspection process, neither Trainge nor the testing agency shall bear any responsibility.
12. Trainge may, at its discretion, purchase product liability insurance for the products in question, and Party A shall bear the costs. Trainge may also require Party A to purchase product liability insurance with coverage limits specified by Trainge through an insurance company designated by Trainge. Without prior consent from Trainge, Party A shall not terminate the insurance policy, fail to renew it, or change insurance companies. Party A also agrees that the insurance company may provide Trainge with relevant insurance information (including but not limited to policy records, claims history, and related data or facts).
13. The company may require users to provide a performance bond of NTD 100,000 to NTD 5,000,000 via remittance or a registered check. If the user violates this contract or causes the company to incur losses or expenses, the company may directly deduct the damage compensation, penalty fees, and other costs from the performance bond. If the bond is insufficient, the user shall make up the difference, and the company may also request that the user replenish the performance bond.
Article 4: Suspension and Termination
1. If Trainge discovers or receives a report or notification that Party A’s actions, or the venues, equipment, products, courses, services, objects, or information provided by Party A and published by Trainge, may violate laws, public morals, or infringe upon the rights of third parties, or violate the terms of this contract or related guidelines or rules, or breach the terms set by service providers for their services, Trainge reserves the right to remove the relevant objects or information, or make them inaccessible, without prior notice. Trainge may also suspend some or all of Party A’s access to services or functions, cancel Party A’s membership, and terminate this contract. If the violation involves breaking the law, Trainge may forward Party A’s member data and related transaction information to judicial authorities or cooperate with the relevant judicial or administrative authorities for investigation.
2. Trainge may, at any time, publish a list of suspended users on its website.
3. If Party A violates laws, infringes upon the rights of third parties, breaches the terms set by service providers for their services, or violates this contract, Party A shall be liable to compensate Trainge and third parties for damages, including but not limited to loss of reputation, fines, penalties, compensation, settlement fees, legal fees, attorney’s fees, etc.
4. If Party A’s violation of laws or this contract causes damage to consumers, Party A shall be liable for compensating Trainge for the damages and expenses incurred (including but not limited to loss of reputation, fines, penalties, compensation, settlement fees, legal fees, attorney’s fees, etc.) under the protection plan provided to such consumers.
5. If Party A is suspended or has their membership revoked, the following principles shall apply to the transactions conducted before the suspension or revocation:
(1) If Party A has uploaded but not yet completed transactions on Trainge’s platform prior to the suspension or revocation of membership, Trainge may delete the items and related information.
(2) If Party A has bid or made an offer for other members’ items but the transaction is not yet complete prior to the suspension or revocation of membership, Trainge may delete the relevant bids and offers.
(3) If a transaction has been agreed upon with another member for a specific item before the suspension or revocation of membership, the transaction will not be deleted. However, Trainge may notify the other party involved in the transaction that Party A has been suspended or had their membership revoked.
6. Trainge shall not be liable for any losses or compensation resulting from the removal of Party A’s items or information, suspension of services or functions, or termination of this contract in accordance with this article.
7. If you find that any user of this website violates the terms of this contract, please contact service@trainge.com and allow us time to process the information. Trainge will respond to your notification as soon as reasonably possible.
8. If Party A wishes to terminate this contract for reasons not attributable to Trainge during the contract term, Party A agrees that no refund of any fees paid to Trainge will be requested. [No Refund Agreement]
9. If the user applies for or is subject to reorganization, bankruptcy, suspension of business, liquidation, or dissolution due to poor financial conditions, Trainge may terminate this contract. In such cases, to protect consumer interests, the platform reserves the right to withhold funds from Party A and suspend all or part of the fund settlements until the issue is resolved.
Article 5: Trainge Wallet
1. The Trainge Wallet is a service provided by Trainge or its partnered payment service providers to facilitate the management of payments for courses sold on the platform and refunds for purchases made through credit cards or the Trainge Wallet. The total amount in the wallet, after deducting any withdrawals, will be displayed as the wallet balance.
2. Users may submit a withdrawal request (hereinafter referred to as the “Withdrawal Request”) to transfer the balance of their Trainge Wallet to their linked bank account (hereinafter referred to as the “Linked Account”). Users are entitled to one free withdraw