ESG Corporation Wellness Solution

In a corporate environment where ESG is a core value, addressing employee health and well-being through a fitness-focused approach is a key concern for many companies. This article will explore how to enhance employee health, plan corporate wellness activities, and integrate multidisciplinary health, fitness, and nutrition recommendations to fulfill social responsibility and corporate governance standards.

Table of Contents
Corporate ESG 101: How to Improve Employee Health? Is Hiring a Coach for Fitness Classes Enough?
Trainge's All-in-One ESG Corporate Fitness and Health Solution

What Are the Costs of Implementing a Corporate Fitness and Wellness Solution?
Boost Employee Health and Build a Happier Workplace with Trainge!


Corporate ESG 101: How to Improve Employee Health? Is Hiring a Coach for Fitness Classes Enough?

Employee health is a critical issue that has a profound impact on both company operations and employee productivity. Many companies are beginning to realize that improving employee health can bring numerous benefits, such as reducing absenteeism, increasing work efficiency, and boosting employee satisfaction. Some companies might think that simply hiring a health coach to conduct fitness classes is enough to achieve these goals. However, enhancing employee health requires more effort and a comprehensive approach. While the guidance of a coach is valuable, relying solely on classes is not sufficient; improving employee health demands a holistic strategy!

Four Key Elements to Promote Employee Health

In addition to conducting fitness classes, companies should focus on employees' lifestyle habits, work environment, physical health metrics, and mental well-being. Providing healthy food options, regular health check-ups, and creating a health-friendly work environment are all essential steps toward this goal.


Employee Health Checkups/Body Composition Analysis

The scope and cost of employee health checkups can vary widely depending on company type, regulatory requirements, budget, and the chosen healthcare providers. While it's not always feasible to conduct annual health checkups, what's important is conducting them "regularly." Depending on the factors mentioned, companies can choose to perform comprehensive health checkups every 1 to 5 years, achieving the goal of prevention, early detection, and timely treatment.

Additionally, many companies are now equipping their offices with professional-grade body composition analyzers (such as InBody, Tanita), allowing employees to measure themselves every two weeks. In just 30 seconds, they can assess muscle mass, fat content, water balance, visceral fat, and more. This not only increases employee awareness of their diet, exercise, and sleep patterns but also enhances their overall health consciousness.

A Healthy Work Environment and Atmosphere

Simply hiring a coach to conduct fitness classes at the office is unlikely to engage all employees. Companies should invest in comprehensive health, nutrition, and exercise education programs and activities to raise awareness about the importance of health. By understanding their body composition analysis, attending health seminars on fitness and nutrition, participating in monthly company-wide health challenges, and having leadership encourage exercise, employees are motivated to pursue a healthier lifestyle. This approach fosters a positive, health-conscious corporate culture.

Healthy Snack Pantry and Relaxation Areas

It's challenging to ask employees to avoid snacking or indulging in afternoon treats when they're hungry, but you can start by stocking a healthy snack pantry! For instance, swap out cookies for fruit, and sugary drinks for sparkling water. Additionally, a rest area is essential for employees working hard; it's a space where they can recharge for the long haul. It doesn't have to be a luxurious massage chair, just a quiet corner where employees can relax with a glass of water, which can significantly benefit their mental health.

Fun and Healthy Team-Building Activities活

Many companies find that organizing monthly fitness-related team-building activities helps foster better camaraderie among employees, as they work together toward common goals. These activities not only reduce team conflicts and improve work performance but also guide employees toward adopting a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise.

Three Key Elements to Encourage Employee Exercise and Improve Health



Motivation can be categorized into positive and negative. Positive motivation involves offering rewards for achieving fitness tasks or goals, while negative motivation can be driven by educating employees about the potential diseases and serious consequences of not exercising or neglecting diet control.

Peer Influence and Support Systems

Whether among colleagues or friends, people naturally compare themselves to others and mimic behaviors. Therefore, promoting a health-conscious culture—whether top-down or bottom-up—can inspire employees to follow suit, effectively achieving the goal of enhancing employee health across the company.

Personal Goals

Setting personal goals is the most challenging but also one of the most powerful drivers. Once employees are committed, personal goals become the strongest force that propels them to overcome obstacles and persist in their fitness and health journey.


Which Professionals Can Help Your Employees Get Healthier?


For safety, it’s crucial to consult or follow a physician’s advice. Ignoring medical guidance can lead to irreversible health consequences.


The saying "70% diet, 30% exercise" holds true, especially if your goal is fat loss. A good nutritionist can be your best ally in crafting a daily meal plan that maximizes results.

Physical Therapists

In the course of exercise, injuries can happen. However, the solution isn’t to quit exercising but to work with a physical therapist. They can provide corrective exercises and treatments to help you recover, allowing you to resume training and progress toward your goals. Never treat injury as a test of endurance by pushing through pain, as this can lead to more severe or even permanent damage.


Exercise is similar to singing; while everyone might think they can do it, performing certain techniques safely and effectively requires professional instruction. A coach can help you avoid injuries and ensure you’re on the most efficient path to achieving your goals.

Tracking and Monitoring Tools

Keeping scientific records of weight, body fat, and other health metrics, along with exercise data, can effectively help you gauge if your workout frequency and intensity are sufficient. It also allows you to see if your body is responding as expected, moving in the right direction.



Trainge's All-in-One ESG Corporate Fitness and Health Solution

Trainge offers the most comprehensive corporate wellness services to help you build a happier, healthier workplace! From smart body composition analysis and AI data insights to online and in-person health seminars, fitness classes, training camps, and personalized diet and exercise plans, Trainge provides a one-stop solution for measurement, training, and tracking!

How to Plan Corporate Wellness Activities?

Trainge follows the principles of personalized and targeted approaches, tailoring wellness programs based on the individual health status of employees and the overall health trends within the company. We design exercise plans, health seminars, and fitness courses that address specific needs, ensuring that employee health is genuinely improved and enhanced.

Body Composition Analysis, Exercise/Nutrition Consultation

Using professional smart body composition analysis tools from medical centers, employees can quickly understand their muscle mass, fat content, visceral fat, and body water levels in just 30 seconds—all operated through LINE without needing to download any apps. Coupled with AI analysis and consultations from physical therapists, nutritionists, and trainers, each employee gains insights into their health and how to embark on a new fitness journey.

Health Seminars and Fitness Bootcamps

Based on the health assessments and analysis mentioned above, Trainge's expert consultants will help organize suitable weekly fitness courses and customized health seminars, ensuring that employees receive comprehensive care for their body, mind, and spirit, and can confidently progress toward their individual health goals.

Health Records/Training Logs and Progress Tracking

Trainge’s platform includes built-in health and training log features, allowing employees to record and monitor their progress through LINE, an app, or a web portal at any time. Additionally, HR and occupational health staff can access backend records of all employees' health checks, fitness data, and training logs, making it easier and more efficient to track health outcomes in real-time.


*Demo video showing employees conducting InBody body composition analysis via LINE

How to Integrate Professional Opinions, Software, and Hardware?

No need to worry! Trainge boasts a team of expert consultants, including doctors, nutritionists, physical therapists, psychologists, and trainers, as well as a skilled engineering team that has successfully integrated various software and hardware devices and interfaces. Whether it’s smart body composition analysis, AI data analytics, in-person or virtual classes, video tutorials, virtual coach programs, employee health competitions, or progress reports, everything can be seamlessly managed through Trainge's one-stop solution.


Can Environmental Protection, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Corporate Governance Be Balanced?

Engaging in employee wellness activities not only effectively fulfills the "social responsibility" aspects of employee health and welfare, improves labor relations, and fosters employee connections, but it also supports "corporate governance." Trainge's real-time data analysis and reporting tools help management understand employee health trends and devise appropriate strategies. Moreover, all services provided by Trainge are digital, supporting "environmental protection" by promoting sustainability and achieving net-zero carbon emissions, contributing to green fitness and sustainable development initiatives.


What Are the Costs of Implementing a Corporate Fitness and Wellness Solution?

The cost varies depending on the company's size, the number of employees, the selection of wellness activities, and the frequency of weekly fitness sessions and seminars. Trainge offers customized service options to ensure your investment is wisely spent.

Additionally, there are various government subsidies available for companies that implement employee fitness and wellness programs. Feel free to contact Trainge for more information on these support options.



Boost Employee Health and Build a Happier Workplace with Trainge!

Are you ready to plan and execute your corporate wellness initiatives? Contact Trainge today!

Trainge, a blend of "Train" and "Change," is the expert in fitness and wellness solutions. With a network of over 2,000 partner coaches and fitness venues across Taiwan, Trainge offers 12 diverse categories, including strength training, yoga, Pilates, dance, and various ball sports.

As Taiwan’s largest fitness platform, Trainge is dedicated to guiding users from training to transformation, making it easy for everyone to achieve their health goals. Start your journey with Trainge today and enjoy the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle!

Fill out the form below to get in touch with us and plan your corporate wellness solution!
